If you are a procrastinator like me, you probaly have not found a Halloween costume yet. It's Friday of Halloween weekend, so your choices are limited to the following:
B) Hit the nearest Party City/Spirit -esque store in your area with battle gear on
C) Turn last year's costume into this year's costume
While mine is not yet finished, I am happy to report that as of last night, I opted for option C.
I must have spent hours trying to come up with something fun and creative and, um, last minute for this year's Halloween Weekend of Debauchery.

As soon as I found it, I called up my co worker Jamie (Seamstress-extraordinaire) knowing she could help me craft something out of this polyester nightmare. And she did not let me down!
By the time we had gotten through 30 minutes of hardcore girl talk, she had hemmed the floor length early 90's thrift store find and turned it into a short and cute Betty Boop dress! Now all I need is a couple accessories and I am good to go.
Don't be afraid to recycle those costumes people! Recycling is good for the environment, and more importantly, your wallet.